Archives for Leif Erlingsson's Blog

Going to the Source

by Leif Erlingsson

We are taught to follow the methods and maps that we have been educated with.  But that can NEVER give us new knowledge.  Only recycled stuff.  Possibly we will just repeat the errors of those that went before us.

Before knowledge is systematized, it is intuitive.  FIRST one goes to the Source — Intuition/Connection to the ‘field’.  THEN one seek what confirmation is possible from the most original ordinary sources possible.  And one experiments.  It is never the map that limit what is possible but rather what is possible that should result in later map-making.  Though our culture has this backwards, most of the time.

I told a Swedish Physics Scientist about an incident back in the 1970:s, where I almost tripped on a deep insight about what happens to the energy of two standing waves when they extinguish each other.  He later told others that I couldn’t have figured that out.  Presumably because he felt that I lacked the education.  In which case he completely missed the point.  I.e. it was precisely because I lacked the education that I was almost able to figure this out, had my self esteem only been better.  (The incident in question is described in the text “The Answer is in the Question“.)

I think this intuitive knowledge is very much related to predation.  Just KNOWING.

Leif Erlingsson

The way is the result

by Leif Erlingsson

The way you arrive at insights are essential to the result, are the result. My life experiences, like yours and yours and anybody’s, are essential to what I conclude from it all. There is not one among us, who’s life does not have something to add to our collective intelligence. Lucky for me, I have always intuitively understood this, and listened to all kinds of people from all walks of life. Unlucky for our culture, this is not the norm.

This blog will be about the fundamental stupidity of our culture, and what to do about it. And how I and others arrived at our conclusions, our way. More will follow.

Leif Erlingsson

I dreamt

by Leif Erlingsson
2008-08-31 08:08 (translated 2009-10-03 11:44)

I just awoke, 07:10, from a dream.  I had just begun an employment at a company, a company with visions.  It was in the a afternoon, and at 14:50 someone tells me that at 15:00 hours there will be a general meeting.  I go there.  It is the management that is speaking.  It is a good speech.  He also talks about the situation in the world, and a woman next to me looks shocked to have to hear this at work.  The speaker mentions a historical person, a Jesuit, who had corrected earlier misconception in science, and who apparently became a Pope as well.  I think in the dream of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, before I hear that he also was a Pope, mostly because I don’t know about so many other Jesuits that were scientists.  The Manager speaking is showing a picture of the latest that the company has become involved in.  One can see that it is something red, but one doesn’t really understand what it is.  It is a little secret as well.  It feels that he perhaps is finished.  We are allowed to pose questions.  Many hands in the air, mine also — I want to ask what this means for the future.  A number of other questioners receives answers to their questions, but no-one has answered my question.  A woman powerfully sums up that now with the story about this visionary pope, we can round off the first part of the lecture, and go on.

But my hand is still up, and I sit just some meters from the speaker.  I get the word.  I say that he will perhaps answer my questions in the second part of the lecture, but what I had wanted to ask was what this new meant for the future.

The speaker goes to the pulpit, that I hadn’t noticed before.  He suddenly excuses himself — perhaps he got an important message — and hastily leaves the auditorium.  I have — in the dream there was nothing strange about this — a moisted wiper in my hand.  While we wait for him to return I go to the pulpit and start to wipe it really clean and worthy our respected Company Manager, for when he return.

I realize that I ought to say something.  After all, people are shifting uneasily.  I say in the microphone that since the venue is booked and we are gathered, if the speaker doesn’t return, do you want to listen to my thoughts about the future?  And there I woke up, and went to the computer to write the dream down.

Leif Erlingsson
2008-08-31 08:08 (translated 2009-10-03 11:44)

About the translation:  Given that this was a dream, where insight is of course transmitted symbolically, I have been very careful to preserve the original Swedish flow of the text in the translation.  It is therefore more of a word for word translation than I’d normally do.

Dream 2008-09-01 (day after the above dream):
by Leif Erlingsson
2008-09-01 (translated 2009-10-04 08:48)

Woke up with a nightmare, my work-tools where taken away from me — my computer screen and keyboard — which in the dream together with expensive server computer was privately owned, but in the dream this was on a workplace where I as a consultant had my own equipment.

Leif Erlingsson
2008-09-01 (translated 2009-10-04 08:48)

Dream 2008-09-02:
by Leif Erlingsson
2008-09-02 (translated 2009-10-04 08:48)

Woke up with a nightmare, was travelling in a train, in the last car.  Was informed that it would be disconnected, that I was supposed to sit in the other part of the train.  Went out.  Realized that I must get my bags, did so — don’t know why I in the dream then went in a roundabout way (perhaps past a kiosk or station-hall) to the rest of the train, that by then had started to move.  I didn’t catch up, even if there was a platform in the back, if only I had had the strength to catch up.  Lacked the stamina, even though the train was accelerating so slowly.  Some meters short.

In todays horoscope for me in the Metro newspaper it says, western:  You have dificulty with getting things to work out as you’d wish.  Much will however correct itself.  Eastern:  The solution may come.

Leif Erlingsson
2008-09-02 (translated 2009-10-04 08:48)

The first dream is my Holy Contract — So I understand it.
by Leif Erlingsson
2009-10-04 (when translating the above dreams)

The second dream is what can happen if I don’t make timely changes in my life.  The third dream is about timely changes.  I tried desperately to understand how to correctly interpret the third dream in relation to changes we were considering — if the considered changes represented the roundabout or the catch up to the rest of the train.  Today I feel secure that they do not represent the roundabout — you see, we have now made the changes.  But today I also realized that my 15+ years as a LDS / Mormon between 1988 and 2004 also could be what the roundabout was about.  And I am now since some years doing a tremendous job of catch-up, but compared to where I’d been without the ‘Fundamentalist Roundabout Trip’, I probably have missed an important train in my life…

On the other hand, holographically, fractally, my life experience could be a map of the world experience, where the whole world has been on a roundabout instead of making needed changes, and now needing to do globally what I have mapped in my personal life; i.e., a tremendous job of catch-up with the timely changes.

Leif Erlingsson
2009-10-04 (when translating the above dreams)

The Answer is in the Question

by Leif Erlingsson

Originally published in Swedish, at

My schoolyears were difficult, due to me being a difficult student who did my own thinking, and therefore I often had a hard time understanding the teaching.  (Unfortunately, I then thought the error was in myself, and therefore developed bad self-esteem.)  I studied natural science subjects in Swedish High School in a four-year Electricity-Telecom/Natural science curriculum.  One day at the end of the 1970:s we read about standing waves, and how they can extinguish each other.  This applies to all forms of electromagnetic waves, but if one does it with polarized laser light, one can with one’s own eyes see it happen.  In my class it was however only discussed in theory.  In any case, I asked my teacher where the energy goes, when the waves extinguish each other.  I think he mumbled something about it perhaps being used up in the generators of the waves.  But he didn’t have a real answer.

An experiment with curved space-time but no measurable electromagnetism when two standing waves extinguish each other.

Standing waves in anti-phase kill each other
The whole of electromagnetism in classical science is a special case at flat space-time, a condition that doesn’t really exist.  Classical physics quite correctly state that two [equal but opposite] standing waves extinguish each other – see the illustration.  But it has no answer to where the energy goes.  My High School teacher was uncomfortable, and answered avoidingly.  Thomas E. Bearden says (“Fer de Lance” pp. 229-230 (2002 edition)) that it curves space-time, creates mass and gravitation, etc.  Cool.  :)  Physically, a standing gravitational wave is created, where the energy is pulsating according to the sum of the absolute values of the two extinguished standing waves.  Which is an example of scalar resonance.  Because where the resulting standing gravitational wave is, there is also mass and inertia as a result of the two space-time curvings from the two extinguished waves.

It’s not just a cool thing that space-time curvings can be created this easily (see fantastic illustration in “Fer de Lance” pp. 187-189 (2002 edition)), because with strong space-time curving follows strong non-linear effects.  (According to Bearden – “Fer de Lance” pp. 229-230 (2002 edition) – among the effects, the energy density of the vacuum becomes larger in one of the half-cycles and less in the next.  Time faster in the one than in the next.  The one appears to have more negative electric charge than the next.  The one appears to have more of a magnetic north pole, and the next a magnetic south pole.).  And ‘free energy’ therefore becomes scientifically possible, since it is only in the special case ‘flat space-time’ that these effects are impossible/ruled out.  Classical science just lacks the physical models for calculating these exiting phenomena, since science has huge holes in this regard.  Science have simply abstained from creating these models starting from Maxwell’s original and highly complex model.  (Reference: “Errors And Omissions In The CEM/EE Model” by Thomas E. Bearden.  (Papersaving printout version.)  Much of this physics are found at and at .)

When I write “science” obviously I am referring to school science, those who play according to the scientific establishment’s rulebook for grants and status.  In my opinion, Thomas E. Bearden’s results are very useful to [begin to] calculate on the other type of Maxwell-Heaviside systems, those systems that are far from equilibrium with their active environment (like e.g. the active vacuum; that “stressed virtual plasma” that identically IS the vacuum and identically IS spacetime; length, time, frame, mass, etc.).  (The first kind, the one in equilibrium, naturally cannot be used for ‘free energy’, and those who claim that ‘free energy’ is impossible also imagine that this is the only kind of possible system, if they at all know why they believe as they do.  Their only excuse is that it is Lorentz fault, since this man arbitrarily removed the other kind.)  (Reference: pp. 105-114, “Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts & Principles” by Thomas E. Bearden.  Also pp. 7-11 “Errors And Omissions In The CEM/EE Model” by Thomas E. Bearden.  (Papersaving printout version.))

But, one asks oneself, how has science managed to miss such obvious things, that a simple High School student with bad self esteem almost tripped on in Skåne, Sweden of the 1970:s?  Perhaps it helps to hear that already in 1919 the inventor of alternating current asked himself something similar (Nikola Tesla, “The True Wireless,” Electrical Experimenter, May 1919), when he described this [kind of] blindness as “one of the most remarkable and inexplicable aberrations of the scientific mind which has ever been recorded in history.“  (Copied from page 117 of “Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts & Principles” by Thomas E. Bearden.)

Perhaps I’ll now loose some of those readers who’ve come this far, when I speculate that there must be some deeper reason behind this fantastic obliviousness to the obvious, for more than a century.  In Crisis of Imagination (2007-12-05) I wrote that “Our present societal system has a compelling reason for not allowing science and technology or healing science that builds on life principles and creation forces, namely the defense of its very existence”, etc.  But the more I have pondered, the deeper I sense that it may be.  Now it becomes pure speculation, but suppose this our Earth is a cosmic experiment in limitation — so that we as eternal spiritual creatures here in the physical will have an opportunity to experience fear, in order to be able to get a really wild kick!  The Earth as A Cosmic Horror Movie! :)  Then the extreme resistance against ‘destroying the horror show’ that is energy crisis, claimed climate crisis, environmental pollution, war, etc. would no longer be so completely incomprehensible.  As said, this is speculation on my part, but I haven’t been able to find any other explanation.  And if it’s not to mess with the Horror Movie that we are in, that man loves the lies and hates the truth, then I think enough is enough already!

Appended for system believers.

The resistance from the system against energy solutions based on disequilibrium systems with spacetime can be exemplified through a statement in 2002 by The American Physical Society condemning ‘perpetual motion machines’.  (Reference: p. 26, “Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts & Principles” by Thomas E. Bearden.  Quote: “The American Physical Society has recently issued a statement condemning perpetual motion machines“  Disequilibrium systems are of course not ‘perpetual motion machines’, but the effect of the condemnation is that one should not think it possible to obtain cost free energy from the spacetime.  Which possibility has been proven for every charge [in the universe] since Lee and Yang in 1957 experimentally proved broken symmetry, which they the same year was awarded the Nobel Price for.  Therefore classical electromagnetism in fact builds on the idea that every electrical charge is precisely one of those condemned ‘perpetual motion machines’.  While Bearden show how they are not at all perpetual motion machines, but rather disequilibrium systems with the spacetime.  Isn’t it absurd and ironic — the opponents of ‘perpetual motion machines’ are in reality the only ones defending the absurdity.  Bearden also points this out in the continuation of the quote on page 26, which reads: “ — yet society’s members continue to condone and use a classical EM model that assumes every charge in the universe to continuously be creating energy from nothing.  Even the American Physical Society has not recognized what broken symmetry of opposite charges means with respect to the common dipole and dipolarity in every circuit.)

I also quote the national economist and political scientist Jens Jerndal in “Vakna Sverige! Framtiden är här – En bok om Sveriges kris och det pågående paradigmskiftet” [Wake up Sweden! The Future is here -- A book about Sweden's crisis and the ongoing paradigm shift/my own translation], that was published in 1997, p. 272, my translation:

What few people know or even want to know, is that many ingenious inventions, both in the fields of energy and in medicine, has — with pure mafia-methods — been repressed and stopped from being used by them who make their fortunes on the old and harmful methods.  Among countless examples that could be presented, I here just want to mention one single typical case.
    Edwin V. Gray from Los Angeles in the USA invented a magnetically powered electrical motor which, following a battery start, itself produce enough energy to continue to run efficiently, in principle for ever, without further addition of energy.  Gray was nominated to ‘Inventor of the Year’ by the Los Angeles Patent Attorney’s Association.  Several prominent PhD:s of Technology praised the invention and one of them explained that it was a revolutionary and unique achievement.
    The Gray motor would — as far as I have understood — be able to be used for the propulsion of cars and other transport systems.  It requires no fuel and it emits no exhaust or other pollution.
    Gray was awarded U.S. patent no. 3.890.548.  Did then authorities, energy companies and car manufacturers throw themselves over the invention in order to find out if it could help them alleviate both the energy crisis and the environmental issues?  Not so.  The truth will likely come as a chock to most.  This is what happened:
    In July 1974 the Los Angeles District Attorney raided the Gray premises, confiscated his prototype, drawings and research notes and charged him on a number of accounts on false grounds.  Gray’s lawyers tried everything in order to retrieve his confiscated possessions, to no avail.  Through forcing Gray to astronomical legal fees, and trough preventing him from all further manufacturing, they brought him into bankruptcy and prevented his invention from being used.
    The Gray case is far from the only one.  There are dozens of similar cases just in the USA, both in energy and in medicine.
    One possibility to bypass these formidable obstacles for a positive development of the science of the new paradigm — for which the preconditions have long been extant — is that a little independent and internationally respected country like Sweden take on the task of introducing the new knowledge so that it becomes public property and no longer can be kept secret by mob-sponsored public repression in the home country of the inventor.  In this connection the Internet can be among the factors playing a new and deciding role in the service of progress.

Sad to say, I think that professor Jerndal grossly overrated Sweden’s independence.  But what can be done with the Internet, that is up to YOU, dear reader!

Leif Erlingsson

[The following appendixes to the original swedish language article are included for completeness, but not translated.  -- Leif Erlingsson, 2009-04-03.]

TILLÄGG, 2008-07-17:  Läs även mitt inlägg på mediekritik-forumet, där [myten om] CO2-orsakad global uppvärmning diskuterats:  Paradigmkampen – Med koppling till myten om CO2-orsakad global uppvärmning.

TILLÄGG, 2008-07-18:  Menar jag att tiden inte skulle vara linjär?

Crisis of Imagination

by Leif Erlingsson
Available also as voicefile:

The information in this text is not authorized or approved by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences or by any higher Swedish seat of learning.  It has been compiled for some years trough the search for patterns and relationships.  Patterns that for the author makes the data believable.  It is the readers choice to check with an expert who will disqualify this material, or to use personal intelligence and form a personal opinion.

I have agonized more over this text than any other.  Not for lack of material.  There seems to be no end of the material I have collected.  But for the challenge not to not cause rejection.  Because unknown facts and stories scare people.  The well-known ‘hell’ is, it seems, preferable to an unknown ‘paradise’.  At the same time this is, that is my claim, humanity’s only real challenge/problem:  The Crisis of Imagination.  That lack of perception/imagination which prevent us from perceiving real solutions.  Which yields symptoms like destruction of the environment, energy crisis, poverty, etc.

Human psychology is what it is.  Which those wishing to manipulate can use so that we of our own free will will choose the ‘hell’ rather than the ‘paradise’, by making the former more familiar.  One might also say that “Crisis of Imagination” might stand for an imagined crisis, but I don’t see it that way.  The Crisis of Imagination is real, the only really real crisis.

At the same time this analysis in itself gives the solution to the Crisis of Imagination:  Increased independent thinking is needed.  Thinking powered by emotional maturity and intuitive contact with the universal field of information, the so called quantum vacuum.  Without glancing on emotionally disconnected authority figures, who have lost contact with real intelligence.  That intelligence which comes out of heart and intuition.  Increased awareness and increased creativity is the biggest threat for those who wish to control human thinking.  This independent thinking, together with a realistic awareness of those forces that do not wish for humans to be well or have it good, helps so we do not unknowingly walk right into them, where they exist in all systems.  These forces hating the noble, the higher, the unselfish serving for the good of all.  These forces which can’t even stand seeing others do things out of love and real generosity, because this reminds them of their own systematically desensitized humanity.  Such an awareness and independence is the beginning to the solution of the only really real crisis, the Crisis of Imagination.

The solution is much more difficult than it sounds.  Because we have all our collected favorite ideas.  And what is required in order to solve the Crisis of Imagination is that we can give up our favorite ideas, whatever they are.

What I have realized, starting with my layman studies of quantum physics in the 1980:s — that by the way led me into a spiritual dead end, because as a Swede I had been totally indoctrinated into an atheistic materialistic world-view, and therefore I lacked life experience in the spiritual area when I both intellectually and emotionally faced this aspect of reality — what my studies then have made me realize is that reality is an organic whole.  Where the parts reflect the whole and the whole reflect the parts.  If one walks into an ordinary Swedish church building, one may hear: “As in Heaven, so on Earth”.  Yes.  And as on Earth, so in Heaven.  What I mean is that even in such a setting, the realization I just mentioned recurs.  A realization that in science has been expressed as the fractal nature of reality — fractals are fantastically fascinating mathematical formulas which in a few lines can describe complexity corresponding to all scales found in nature, from the microscopic to the very large.  A related expression, also from science, is the holographic nature of reality.  Here too one finds the principle that each part of the holograph is a map of the entirety of the holograph.  The realization that all is connected is very old, and it is very much shared — but secretly — by those shrunken souls who have hijacked the existing structures.  They even build a magical system on this realization, through which they try to control their fellow human beings.

Some recurring themes always coming back in our living reality is negentropy (increased organization and order), resonance, vortex, swirls, creation forces (‘orgone energy’, etc), open-handedness, helpfulness, nobility, charity, attentiveness, veraciousness.  People who develop the latter qualities will likely understand the former themes.  A few people that should be mentioned in this context is Nicola Tesla (Radiant Energy), Wilhelm Reich (Orgone Energy), Viktor Schauberg (Vortex Effects).  There are fantastic amounts of text written about each of these explorers of the creation forces, so I’ll just mention them together with those principles they are most well known for in ‘Free Energy’ circles.

What is interesting is these archetypical and in (almost) all scales recurring phenomena and patterns, like the torus — below a standing wave’s/Soliton’s like one will see in a collapsing Bose-Einstein Condensate, at half a degree Kelvin above absolute zero. (Image credit NIST.)  A Soliton's torus like one will see in a collapsing Bose-Einstein Condensate (Image credit NIST)The collapsing standing wave/Soliton is in the swirling center about to form another archetypical form, the vortex.  For which Viktor Schauberg is so known.  Vortex-phenomena are very powerful, and already in weather-phenomena they can tear buildings apart and move heavy objects far away.  It stands to reason that they also can do almost anything with the fabric of space-time, similar to what goes on around quasars, pulsars and black holes.  Paul E. Potter is saying that one can control these phenomena in order to propel spacecrafts of ufo-design — he explains the physics — or ‘just’ in order to extract enormous amounts of energy (Paul E. Potter, “Developing Better Systems for Space Propulsion“).

Our present societal system has a compelling reason for not allowing science and technology or healing science that builds on life principles and creation forces, namely the defense of it’s very existence.  Because sadly we have a societal system build around the administration of limitation of various kinds.  Many of us probably cannot, perhaps don’t even want to, imagine it differently.  But the societal system as it is cannot survive un-limitation.  Hence it must defend itself against all science & technology which yields un-limitation of health, energy, space for life, etc.  To understand this one can imagine the societal system as a creature that we created ourselves, but a creature that is now fighting for it’s life.  It can afford no compassion.  No mercy.  It is a question of pure survival for this creature.  But trouble is, it will not hesitate to kill us, if it thinks it will help.  Perhaps also in the case of the societal system, this is a Crisis of Imagination, of not being able to transmute itself into a system based on the administration of un-limitation.  A resistance against the life-affirming.

One can only speculate as to the reasons why a seven year research work by 450 researchers at CDF FermiLab concerning the fundamental structure of matter, a paper that had been accepted for publication, later was stopped in many different ways.  (”FERMILAB MEDIA ADVISORY 2/7/96, CDF Results Raise Questions on Quark Structure.  An article scheduled to appear in the February 9 issue of Science describes results contained in a paper submitted to Physical Review Letters by the 450-member Collider Detector collaboration at Fermilab.  The CDF paper reports results that appear to be at odds with predictions based on the current theory of the fundamental structure of matter.  The paper, submitted January 21, 1996, reports the collaboration’s measurement of the probability that the fundamental constituents of matter [e.g., Quarks and Anti-quarks] will be deflected, or will “scatter,” when very high energy Protons collide with anti-Protons, according to CDF spokesmen William Carithers and Giorgio Bellettini.”)  And what did their research show, that was so horrible that it had to be silenced so that it will not reach the ‘science’fundamentalists?  Their findings lead to the conclusion that the standard cosmological model cannot be correct.  And to open THAT ‘box’, that is really to open ‘Pandora’s box’.  One little idea stemming from the standard cosmological model is that gravitation supposedly is a primary field effect.  This despite many researchers who have shown that gravitation is manipulable.  Electro-gravitational effects are even used in the B2-Stealth bomber since over a decade, to enhance performance.  But these kinds of results cannot be published in established ‘scientific’ journals.  Other results that have been stopped is that matter can be manufactured from light, because this is also supposedly impossible according to the standard cosmological model.  (Stanford Collaboration, 1997, Discover Magazine.)

So, if one is at all informed beyond the thought-stake, the pale, that have been erected by the ‘science’fundamentalists and established ‘scientific’ journals, then one will realize that we require a new cosmological model.  One describing the inner essence of matter and the laws of nature.  Many understand this:  “An Open Letter to the Scientific Community” (New Scientist, May 22, 2004.)  Also see “An Open Letter to Closed Minds“.

A New World, If We Can Take It

One patent (of many) on an ‘Over Unity’ device, by Tom Bearden et al:  Jean-Louis Naudin confirms that it works, independent tests are quoted at  The site is a good resource for finding the current status of current active and open projects (as opposed to buried in secret research departments, or together with their inventors).  Jean-Louis Naudin have his own website with many exiting projects,  Here an invention that dissociates and recombines hydrogen in a process that yields surplus energy:  Here a discussion on how vortexes can be used to generate electrical charges like in thunderstorms, and much else:  The most well known ‘Over Unity’ technique is probably cold fusion.  It is now being commercialized, see and  One can also be ignored, ridiculed, harassed, have one’s research destroyed, be imprisoned — and come back:  Wilhelm Reich didn’t have the same luck, he died in prison in the 50:s in the United States, and his notes were put in the fire.

Then we have professor Ruggero Maria Santilli.  His mind-set is not quite Swedish, and his friends consider him perhaps the world’s greatest genius.  This is perhaps a big blockage for many.  :)  One product that builds on his theories is MagneGas, see  The good Italian moves in very interesting circles outside the ‘science’fundamentalist’s and established journals, etc.  Here the Alpha Institute for Advanced Study (AIAS):  Also see the Santilli – Galilei Association on Scientific Truth:  For those wishing to really dive into the work of Ruggero Maria Santillis the following links are recommended, the 4x-versions saves printer paper while your eyes pay:

The Sun's Electrical Sky, from David Talbott
Above an image of the electrical sky of the sun.  Thanks to the hole in the sky/the sunspot, we can see down through this hot sky towards the considerably cooler surface further down, fully in accordance with the following cosmological model.

David G. Yurth and Donald Ayres have written an article that can be how cosmos REALLY works, and which at any rate gives a theoretical background to a large part of the knowledge I mention here, in a way that the ‘science’fundamentalists cannot do:

Here is another bloke who can explain how to make gravitation from electricity:  And here a fantastic vortex-mathematics:

One can keep going forever — there is no lack of scientific and technical solutions for the problems of mankind.  Even the transmutation of nuclear waste is long since solved (  No, what there is a lack of is the intent and the will to make life endurable for all, in those we have allowed to become our leaders (plus some ‘not invented here’ = ego), and lack of insight in the rest of us.  In his “Liberation of the People: the Pathology of Power“, Dr. Norberto R Keppe writes of our leaders who doesn’t seem to want us humans to have it good, and who in their sick state therefore counteracts people who come with solutions for the good of all.  It sounds totally sick, but even the psychiatric science is beginning to see that it is this that is going on.  That we do not understand shows that we are also sick.  But as far as we begin to see what have happened, in the same amount we are beginning to get well.  Such insight is the beginning to the solution of the only really real crisis, the Crisis of Imagination.  Neither can we blame sick leaders.  I have more often than I feel comfortable with come in contact with as I supposed sensible people who feels that humanity might as well disappear.  It is not just ‘psychopathic leaders’ that is the problem …  So don’t blame anyone, but avoid the sick (=’gatekeepers’ in science, information, economy, etc. — there are speculations that they are organized) and find ways for the world and yourself to recover!  And don’t burn me at the stake. : )

The Schoolyard

We need to grow up, and quit the games of power from the schoolyard, where the creative is thrown back into the dirt.  If we ever collectively shall be able to get out of the dirt.

Leif Erlingsson

PDF “printout”            SWEDISH LANGUAGE VERSION