
I am opening up.  Healing.  Learning.  When I was a child I knew that the reason I was born here on this planet was to learn.  I later lost my way, but I’m back on the path again.  I download from the Field or whatever when I need it.

I also have loads of life experience + knowledge gained here.  But mostly I have learnt that the only real choice is love or fear.  If you fear, it’s really fear that you fear.  And there is nowhere to hide.  Fear makes you small, unimaginative, limited in every respect.  When you see through all that and enter into love, then…  Love expands.  Creativity, imagination, belief.  With Love all things truly are possible.  It may take some patience though.  Not my strongest trait. :)

Please visit my websites, Swedish:   Leif Erlingssons holistiska detektivbyrå ,   Intelligentsians blockering ,   English:  Leif Erlingsson’s Blog .