by Leif Erlingsson

Is the 1:st book of the Torah, the Genesis = The Beginning, a mathematical code for our physical universe?

Stan Tenen:

This isn’t a jealous God of a petty people who says, ‘My God is bigger and better than your God because it’s my God and it’s the one God because I say so’.  That’s not what we are saying here.  I’m saying that we are starting with a definition of singularity and wholeness.  Definitions are not the basis of prejudice.  It’s a postulate.  Putting it down to see how good it is.  Does it give us anything?  And if we look for the means of spanning between the one and the many, we have a path that includes everything in the universe.  Now, modern physics attempts a bottom-up reconstruction.  To take all the diversity we find, all the forces in the world, and pump the energy up until things merge together and eventually we can extrapolate and find the Big Bang.
The one, from the many.
And I’m saying we can do this abstractly.  We can do this topologically, in principle.  Without any electron microscopes, and cyclotrons and super computers.  We can start top-down by definitions.  Start with singularity, break it up by minimal first distinction, and end up with all there is.  And it’s my guess, and this is still a guess, that one way or another, in an extraordinary elegant way, perhaps the most elegant possible, that’s what the sequence of letters in the Hebrew Bible really represents.

(Quoted from 24 minutes into the film “First Light: An Introduction to Meru Foundation by Stan Tenen“.)

Note that if Stan Tenen is right about the Torah as an encoding of ancient truth, and about the Jewish religion as ['just'] the container for this inner truth, this in no way contradicts my earlier blogging “Something seismic happening“.  Though it does give credit to the fundamentalism as a time-container that has now served it’s purpose, and can be pensioned off with a gold a medal for long and faithful service, or something.