Archives for May 2009

Entering the bio-suit ?

by Leif Erlingsson 2009-05-31 I decided to post this symbolical dream.  From my diary: Tuesday May 19, 2009, 08:00:  Tonight I dreamt a very symbolical dream.  I recall these elements: We were a few people, disoriented, in some kind of room.  It may have been at some kind of train-station, perhaps at the last stop [...]

Deeper truths

by Leif Erlingsson 2009-05-30 Is the 1:st book of the Torah, the Genesis = The Beginning, a mathematical code for our physical universe? Stan Tenen: “This isn’t a jealous God of a petty people who says, ‘My God is bigger and better than your God because it’s my God and it’s the one God because [...]